Do you sometimes feel stressed, stuck, and don’t know what to do because of over self-reliance, trying to do too much, or feeling that things are a mess? Whatever the cause, it is important to embrace and trust in God’s grace and sufficiency rather than solely in your own. Read on for insight about this truth.
Limitations – Not Showstoppers
God uniquely created and chose you to do something that only you can do. You have God-given talents and abilities (gifts) as well as limitations. It is good to work with your limitations if doing so keeps you from getting in over your head. However, you are not to use your limitations as excuses that keep you from doing what God has assigned you to do. That is disobedience, which I will talk more about in a subsequent blog.
Opportunity in Adversity
You will face adversity at times. Still, God knows your limitations and uses them to help you trust in and rely upon His mighty power. You will grow in faith and [immediate] obedience. As you obey, God stretches the boundaries of your limitations giving you access to all the resources needed, again, through His grace and sufficiency. You should never allow your thinking to limit God because He can and will accomplish mighty works, even miracles, through you if you would humbly allow. His faithfulness and works demonstrate His love, mercy, GRACE, power, and promises.
Promise Keeper
As He did with Moses when Moses [eventually] stepped out in faith and obeyed Him in the wilderness, God will stretch the boundaries of your abilities when you step out and act in faith. He will equip you with all you need to do His will (Hebrews 13:21). Keep in mind that commitment, consistency, and action empower faith. You are not alone. Nothing can separate you from God’s love; He is for you, not against you (Romans 8:31). He is not a man so he does not lie or change His mind. (Numbers 23:19).
Stick to It!
I encourage you to hang in there and keep fighting the good fight of faith! (1 Timothy 6:12)
Learning from mistakes and messes. Loving our magnificence and successes!
Triple Threat: Transparency. Transformation. Transition.
Faithfully, Sheryl