I shared Part 1 of my two-part article last week and welcome you to read the article at my howdareSHEryl blog website. This is Part 2, which I hope you will find insightful.
Restlessness Robs
We need rest and don’t want lack of rest to get the best of us, leaving what’s left of us for God and goodness. Specifically, we need to avoid restlessness, which can cause indecisiveness, confusion, and impatience that is rooted in selfishness. This can, unfortunately, cause us to think, say, and do things that we would likely not if we were adequately rested. Likewise, restlessness leads to illness, distracts, distorts, and disrupts. This is particularly problematic regarding our God-given visions and dreams as restlessness can cause us to lose sight (and get out) of God’s will, timing, purpose, and plan for our lives. We cannot fulfill God’s calling on our lives if we’re restless, burned-out, and stressed out! Needless to say, resting is, uncompromisingly, necessary for answering God’s call on our lives.
Rest – The Best of You
Getting adequate rest requires consistency such that it becomes habitual. We can condition our bodies to know when to wind down, rest, and/or sleep. When that time comes, we must not resist it. I would imagine that I’m not the only one who has found restlessness to cause moodiness; lack of focus that results in delayed initiative; taking undo additional time to get things done; and that these experiences sometimes cause us to doubt or question ourselves. Resting and other means of self-care show our love for God and ourselves and provides for our loving others.
Peace is Priceless
God wants us to trust and have faith in Him has He exhorts us in Proverbs 3: 5-6… Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. Seek His will in all that you do, and He will guide and direct all your paths. In doing so, we experience His peace that is greater than we can comprehend. With God’s peace comes ability to truly rest, sleep, and show up each day ready to be at our best. We are refreshed, re-energized, and rejuvenated. I shared some ideas for rest, relaxation, and restoration in part 1 of the article. Feel free to read those and to share your feedback.
Scriptures referenced:
Genesis 2: 1-3
Psalm 23: 1-3
Psalm 127: 2
Matthew 11: 28
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Learning from mistakes and message, while loving your magnificence and successes!
Triple Threat: Transparency. Transformation. Transition.
Faithfully, Sheryl