Month: April 2018

What’s in a Vision?

Purpose & Magnificence!

I talked about the beauty and benefits of visions in my previous post and will expound in this one.

Our visions are where the wonderful things we desire and deserve in our lives begin to unfold. Consider God’s Vision that resulted in the Majestic making of each one of us. You and I are His unique masterpieces, divinely created by Him with and for His purposes. My hope is that you know your life is meaningful and purposeful.

I encourage you to embrace the fact that you belong; you are accepted; and, you are needed for fulfilling God’s master plan. God has things for you to say and do that can come to pass only through you. Your mission or MESSage might be similar to someone else’s; however, the defining difference lies within the essence of the MESSenger. That’s you. No need to be perfect, only willing to do your thing even if it means making a magnificent mess, which, by the way, could bless someone else’s life. Simply put, we need one another.

I have spent many years wondering about purpose, both what it means and what mine is. I won’t get into the intricacies but will tell you that, because God has created us with and for His purposes, we can seek Him to know our purpose(s).

Vision Experience – Empowerment

Crafting and refining a vision is an exhilarating and empowering experience about which I am sharing in hope to inspire or ignite your vision.
I initially set out to create my vision because of irresistible “stirring” on the inside of me. I wanted to help others to be, do, live, and give their best. I initially accomplished this through offering prayer, coaching, mentoring, tutoring, fitness instruction, and my work, for example. During times of uncertainty about what I should do, one thing remained consistent. I wanted to help. This is the heart of my vision, so I know there is always something that I can do. This includes allowing others to help me. Speaking of help, I want to thank my dear friend and fellow-blogger, Angela Miller Barton, for sharing blog tips and her breathtaking photos to accentuate this post.

The more I helped and received help, the more I realized that the stirring involves my goals, dreams, passions, and purposes awaiting release. The intensity is now such that my desire has progressed from unleashing of my potential to releasing of my destiny. It is a process of magnificence in the making and using the gifts, talents, abilities, and resources that God has given me to fulfill His calling on my life. Day-to-day, I do what I do in living my vision. I know that every step is important. I also know that God is well-pleased with my heart to serve and my resolve to stay the course. I say to you, hang in there; we are in this, together!

I would like to share my Vision Garden as it unfolds. Here is a concise version for now.

I live my life in a way that serves God and blesses others. My life is one of abundance through trust in God’s sufficiency. Because of His grace, I embrace disciplined self-grace and help others to do the same. My words and actions offer peace, acceptance, healing, and hope. My life is a message of love and encouragement. I conclude each day affirming, “God, your will is my will. It is well with my soul.”

Ignite your vision. Write it. See it. Speak it. Share it. Live it!

Community Vision Garden – Sow & Grow

Please post your reply. We’re an awesome “bunch!” Let’s sow seed here for our individual and collective vision gardens. There is no right or wrong. It’s all good!

What’s in your vision garden? What do you need for nourishing or cultivating your vision garden?

Lovingly & Faithfully Me, Sheryl

Vision Garden

Guess what happened when I allowed a fresh sense of hope to ignite my vision?

I began to feel vivaciously alive, and it became my Vision Garden! I am excited, motivated, curious, intrigued, and determined to take steps toward further identifying and living out my vision for the life of abundance God has for me.


Don’t Grow Weary while Doing Good

It hasn’t happened overnight nor has it been without challenge, but it’s worth the time and effort it’s taking. It did not start out as a clear vision, but I gain clarity as I refine and begin to live it.

I love that my vision allows me to creatively and critically consider those things that are meaningful and desirable in my life, whether grand or small. I appreciate clarity as I think about seemingly trivial intentions (or goals) that eventually lead to deliberation and manifestation.

Ultimate Vision 

I am grateful for my ultimate vision of serving Jesus Christ. From this stems my personal vision which serves as my compass to keep me on the right path. It is my centering place where I am restored and re-energized to press forward. Thinking about my vision makes me happy! I am gratified in knowing that God’s plan for my life involves honoring Him through serving as a source of love, peace, encouragement, hope, and resourcefulness in the lives of others.

Vision Evolution 

My vision has evolved to be my Vision Garden. How beautiful it is! Working in my Vision Garden is as peaceful, serene, and therapeutic as working in a home garden. I fertilize my Vision Garden using soil infused with love, disciplined self-grace, patience, knowledge (evolving as wisdom), and trust in God’s process of unfolding His plan for my life while also cultivating transparency, transformation, and transition from seed to bud to blossom.

Stay the Course – Seasons Change

I remain committed to tending my Vision Garden no matter how fruitful or bleak things may appear. I recognize that even stormy days have a role in my growth process. I choose to stay the course in anticipation of seeing a rainbow in the clouds. I know that, like the clouds, the sun and rain are God’s majestic creations which burst forth to nourish my Vision Garden, producing beauty and bringing Him glory.

A Hint of Hope – You Deserve It

I say all of this to encourage you to hope, dream, desire, and act. As it did for me, a hint of hope can make a life-changing difference during times of stagnation when we need wisdom and energy to take the next step. Hope is help when desiring something to look forward to, which can become the start of a beautiful vision.

Your Vision Garden – Sowing Inspiration-Seed

What’s stirring within you? What’s in your soil?

You inspired this article. I share it as inspiration-seed whether you are thinking about, crafting, refining, or taking leaps and bounds with your vision.

No Need to Go It Alone: Co-Cultivate

Thank you, Kate Larsen, for tilling soil and sowing inspiration-seed in my Vision Garden.

Meet me back here on Friday to read more. Peace and love be on to each of you!

Hillsong’s “With All I Am” YouTube video beautifully inspired my Vision Garden. Enjoy!

Lovingly & Faithfully Me, Sheryl